#56: Unlocking Multiple-Six and Seven Figures with the Power of Nervous System Business Growth™
In this episode of The Magick Weaver Podcast, we dive into how you can tap into the power of Nervous System Business Growth™ to scale your business to multi-6 and 7-figures. We explore how to navigate the edges that come with shifting your receiving paradigm to a place where money flows in with ease, pleasure, and peace. We also cover the external and internal shifts you need to make to scale your business toward exponential growth that will expand your time and energy in ways you never thought possible.
When you allow yourself to adapt your business, structures, and programs in a way that is unique to you and your body, you learn how to support your quantum leaps through a regulated nervous system state of being and allow your fullness to truly shine through. If you are looking to transform your life and business into a sustainable state of overflow, to create powerful impact in the legacy you create, and to give and receive in resonance with your values and how you want to show up in the world, I invite you to join me in the movement toward Nervous System Business Growth™, which I believe will truly change the world we live in as womxn in business.
I would love to hear from you! Please let me know what you received from this episode and if you have any questions by reaching out to me on Instagram @iamanakinkela.
“Money magnifies what is already present inside of our nervous system.”
This week on The Magick Weaver Podcast
The edge you reach inside of your body and business when you get to the multi-6 and 7-figure level (1:23)
It’s not true that your business gets easier at multi-6 and 7-figures… (2:52)
What we repeat, our nervous system feels safe to continue repeating over and over again (3:23)
Why nervous system regulation becomes more important as you scale higher in your business (4:44)
How Nervous System Business Growth™ allows you to be in your business less while receiving more (6:56)
Control paradigms and creating boundaries in your business at the multi-6 and 7-figures level (7:40)
The higher you scale in your business, the more obvious the places where you are feeling anxiety or disconnection with money are going to be (8:12)
How working with the nervous system to scale your business expands time and energy in ways you couldn’t predict (10:05)
When we do this nervous system healing and expansion work, we see quantum leaps occur that we can’t explain with the logical mind (11:54)
It’s a beautiful thing to quantum leap, provided that you are actually able to hold that on the other end (13:31)
How tapping into the power of the nervous system allows you to break the rules and step into your fullness (15:30)
Why strategy and strategic frameworks can only help you so much – external vs. internal scaling in your business (16:45)
One of the biggest challenges of entrepreneurship (21:17)
I am here to create an ecosystem of receiving both within and around leaders, where Nervous System Business Growth™ allows us to be in connection with our bodies, our nervous systems, our values, our dreams, and our visions we are here to create (22:15)
Scaling your business with Nervous System Business Growth™ is about breaking down the traditional strategies that you’ve been taught and creating a business that is unique to you through energetic attunement (24:23)
Why this movement of Nervous System Business Growth™ is everything that we have been asking for (26:10)
My invitation to join me and the beautiful ways we can work together inside this movement of Nervous System Business Growth™ (28:01)
Resources mentioned in this episode
“Your body is a time machine – it holds your past, your present, and your future – when you understand how to use this powerful time machine that you have inside of yourself, it speeds up the timeline that you access in your business, allowing you to shift your paradigm of receiving in a way that reflects the essence of your being and your truest desires.”
Apply for Luminescence
If you are an entrepreneur already making consistent money in your business, and you’re ready to scale your business to multi-6 and 7-figures from a receiving paradigm where money and clients flow in easefully and pleasurably, then I invite you into Luminescence, a 9-month mastermind experience. This mastermind is different from a typical mastermind, as we will be experiencing individual healing and expansion inside of our nervous systems, then integrating and calibrating these experiences into the systems, structures, and teams inside of our businesses. You will receive three group sessions and one 90-minute individual session with me per month as well as access to my own team so you can scale to your next level with pleasure and ease. If your body is saying yes to this divine and beautiful journey, I invite you to apply. Let me know where you are in your business and what you desire so I can know whether this is the right space for you. I can’t wait to read your application!
Join Nectar
Nectar is my offering for entrepreneurs at any level (including multi-6 and 7-figure entrepreneurs) who wish to heal the receiving wound and expand their receiving paradigm to receive money from a place of ease and pleasure. Nectar is a beautiful 5-month healing portal with group healing and integration calls to integrate your healing with money into your business. This program interweaves somatic work, womb expansion, shadow work, quantum medicine, and energetic alchemy to shift how you receive in your business and life. Spots go fast for this program, so if you’re feeling the pull, I encourage you to register and step into the program now! Click here to sign up and learn how to claim your spot today!
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