#55: Behind The Scenes (Part 2)
Welcome to Behind The Scenes, Part 2! In Part 1, I shared what my 2021 was like – the celebrations and the challenges – and what I’m going to be creating in 2022 (if you missed it, check it out HERE)! In this episode, I will be sharing my journey from a macro perspective of my process of becoming over the last several years. I share when my journey with my body began, the moment I chose to let go of my people-pleasing tendencies and become more invested in following my body’s truth, finding my spirituality, starting Ana Kinkela LLC, how I ended up in Australia, and all the steps in between.
In each part of this journey, my body was the ignitor for my expansion and growth. The journey of learning to trust my body, from the first time I said yes to my body to now, has led my entire life and business to where I am now. Where I know how to integrate the wisdom of the body into my business and life, and I get to teach it to you through Nervous System Business Growth™, through being in resonance with your body and nervous system and finding safety with what you most desire to receive in the way you desire to receive it.
I invite you into this work with me – regardless of where you are on your journey – in whatever way is in resonance for you right now, whether through listening to this podcast, downloading my free meditation, following my journey on Instagram, or through my paid offerings that support you in taking this work to the next level. I’m so excited to rise with you in 2022!
“Your body and your nervous system are the key to opening to who you are becoming, the level at which you’re receiving, how you are receiving it, and the creative energy that naturally wants to move through you and that allows you to land your legacy in this world.”
This week on The Magick Weaver Podcast
Where the journey of my trust fall with my body began – ten years ago I realized my first marriage wasn’t right for me (7:08)
I have a people pleaser inside of me that I continue to work with (8:39)
The moment that I made the choice to be okay with disappointing others and be more invested in loving and supporting myself and my body (12:00)
The one decision that catapulted me on my personal development journey (13:29)
My career became about learning about the body and the nervous system (16:28)
At one point I started to feel like there was something bigger I was meant to be doing in the world (17:48)
Yoga was a tool that supported me in understanding what spirituality meant for me – through this experience, I really opened up a whole different world for myself (19:45)
The first time I accessed the energy of the cosmic egg (20:42)
In 2017, I had a vision inside of myself, a fire in my belly, and I had reached a breaking point (25:23)
Starting Ana Kinkela LLC – I tried on different hats until I got to the essence of who I was meant to be inside of my business (26:53)
The realization that led me into understanding how to use the wisdom of my body to expand my business – the moment things started to change for me (30:08)
I burned myself out in a launch that was monetarily successful but felt energetically depleting (30:52)
I downloaded in that I was meant to move to Costa Rica – I sold all of my belongings and had the three shadowiest months of my life (34:36)
The universal signs that led me to Australia – then Australia’s borders closed a week after I landed (42:32)
In 2020, I ended up getting “stuck” in Australia, and through a series of random events, my current partner and husband-to-be found me (44:19)
I have trained my nervous system through this 10 year process of developing deep trust & surrender in my body (47:33)
How this feeling of resonance and calibration in the body feels for me is going to feel different for you – you are learning the language of your body (49:02)
The more you learn to take the trust fall with your body, the more your yes comes into quantum receiving (50:14)
Now I’m existing inside of a receiving paradigm that I truly only dreamt of (51:10)
The moment you learn how to tap into the felt sense experience in your nervous system and start to feel safe in the energy in your body is the moment where you start receiving at the level that you really desire (51:25)
If you’re feeling pulled to this work, pulled to me as an activator of this work for you, I want to invite you to step into my world in 2022 (53:28)
Resources mentioned in this episode
“Your becoming comes from your choice to risk disappointing others, to risk rejection, to risk not being loved, and to fully surrender into coming into safety with your otherness, the ways that you want to break the rules and create something different – that is one of the qualities of a leader who creates a legacy.”
Nectar Waitlist
I am so excited to invite you to join us in Nectar for the next cohort. Nectar is a 5-month portal that supports you to heal The Receiving Wound™ and to awaken nervous system wealth. Nectar is where we do this work together in an intimate healing and activation container. This program interweaves somatic work, womb expansion, shadow work, quantum medicine, and energetic alchemy to shift how you receive in your business and life. This is for any womxn who is ready to activate nervous system wealth at ANY LEVEL of your business. The first round booked out in one week, and the waitlist currently has over 100 people, so if your body is saying YES to Nectar, then this is the time to jump in and secure your spot. Click here to join the waitlist for more details.
Apply for Luminescence
Luminescence is a beautiful 9-month portal for 6 & 7-figure legacy-weavers and entrepreneurs who want to expand their receiving paradigm and scale with the potency & support of Nervous System Business Growth™. This portal was created to help you take your business to the next level with your body and nervous system as you integrate higher-level months in your business from a place of ease, pleasure, and peace in your body. Luminescence is a portal for your becoming, your most luscious receiving, where you begin to shift and expand into creating a life and business that feels good from the inside out. If this offering is pulling you in and you’re curious to explore further - I invite you to follow the pull within your body and apply today.
P.S. Be sure to review and subscribe to The Magick Weaver Podcast on Podbean, Spotify, and Apple Podcasts!