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External success only happens when you allow your internal world to expand and grow.

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Entrepreneurship is primarily an internal game.


What’s required of you to manifest your business vision isn’t the latest strategy or step-by-step process. It’s your own expansion.


That’s what creates authentic resonance with others. That’s what frees you from the threat of rejection and judgement. That’s what allows you to rise in leadership and take aligned, powerful action in your business.

Fear, doubt, self-criticism… Procrastination, hustling, burnout….

Those are all signs that it’s time to put your to-do list down and start focusing inward. Time to dive deep within and step into the energy of your True Self.

This shift calls for more than the usual mindset work we, as entrepreneurs, are told to practice.

Embodying your soul’s vibration isn’t something that happens through books, courses, or positive affirmations.⁣ You need to go deeper.

You need to energetically shed outdated ways of seeing and understanding yourself and what’s available to you.

You need to create space for your fears and doubts to be heard and accepted, but not chosen as your path to walk.

You need to embody truths that are authentic and rooted in who you really are at a soul level.


You need Soulbodiment.

Soulbodiment is how you tune in to the wisdom of your Wild Soul.

Soulbodiment is a way of being that you practice within yourself everyday. You don’t arrive at it, you have to choose it in each and every moment.⁣

Soulbodiment is about seeing yourself so fully that you can’t help but fall in love with who you are – including the parts you don’t always like.

Soulbodiment guides your mind and body to energetically meet the vibration of your soul’s purpose so you’re able to take aligned, powerful action.

Soulbodiment releases stories that no longer speak to your core, creates space for you to reclaim your wildness and sacred power, and opens the doors for you to lead and live from your Truest Self.

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Action is only effective when it’s aligned with who you are becoming.

The number one reason you are not creating and receiving what you desire is this:

You’re not working with your own unique energetic container. You’re expecting the expansion to come from outside of you through one-size-fits-all strategies. ⁣You’re not inviting yourself to expand from within.

Your body is an energetic imprint of your experiences, past lives, and ancestral knowings.

Your energetic imprint is unlike anyone else’s. And it’s where you need to start to expand your business, your life, and your self.⁣

“Being” is the energetic fuel for “Doing.”

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Like you, I did all the things I was “supposed” to do.

I wanted to shift from my unfulfilling career as a therapist into a business that felt like an expression of me. And like you, I was doing it all.

⁣I read. I affirmed.⁣ I meditated.

I learned the strategies and relentlessly applied them.⁣

⁣I knew a lot: what I should do, what my thoughts should be, and what success should look like. And all these “shoulds” were constantly haunting me.

I was always anxious, always stuck in analysis, always struggling to make myself be seen and heard.

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I was in my head. A lot.

And that was when it hit me: “What about your body, you silly?⁣”

I had always integrated the body with my clients, but neglected it for myself. I was unconsciously resistant to dropping in and learning how to fully be the woman I already was.

⁣I rose by going deep within. I started to embody my Truest self and to expand from the unapologetic knowing of my inner wisdom.

I started to believe in me. I fell in love with me. And I expanded internally and externally. ⁣

⁣No growth hacks. No formulas. No magic strategies.

The answers were within me all the time. And they are within you as well.⁣

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A glimpse
into my soul

Soulbodiment is a way of being that you practice within yourself everyday. Here are some of the ways I choose to embody my soul's vibration in both business and life...


Preserving the environment.

Standing up for social justice issues.

Living in rhythm with nature.

Creating brave and nurturing spaces.

Community and connection.

Authenticity and vulnerability.

Heart-centered living.

Being a conscious consumer.

Prioritizing pleasure, play and joy.

Freedom – financial and otherwise.

Books, animals, love.

Creating and witnessing art.

Spirituality and tuning into spirit.

Integrity. Honesty. Truth.

Compassion. Kindness.

The wilderness. The mess.


Ready to embody your soul’s purpose too?

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