There is a fire in your belly to impact, to create, and to be the best that you can be.
This fire has taken you to bold and brave spaces in your life and business.
Within this fire, there’s also a deep yearning for MORE.
Growing your business gets to look different than what you were taught.
Click below to fill out the application form.
You don’t have to sacrifice yourself and your life to create what you are envisioning.
You don’t have to be like someone else.
It doesn’t have to feel stressful and hard.
What’s the missing link?
Nervous system healing and expansion work.
When pleasure and ease are activated in your nervous system, the most beautiful thing happens:
you unlock the overflow that comes from deep surrender and trust.
Streams of income get co-created.
Abundance in all forms begins to flow.
You start to quantum leap in ways that you didn’t think were possible,
as you integrate your growth and expansion at the same time.
It does *actually* get to
feel this good.
The Empress is the embodiment of luxurious, luscious receiving and giving.
This is the vibration of the woman that is resting within you now and she’s calling you in, waiting to be activated.
✨ It’s all available to you ✨
Meet Your Sacred Guide...
✹ Hi, I’m Ana! ✹
A year-long, 1-1 quantum activation portal.
The Energetic Exchange is...
👑 $8888 per month for 12 months
👑 106K pay in full
The Empress is currently enrolling for a very limited number of spaces! Submit your Application to Explore Next Steps.
The Empress is a year-long container because...
Healing the body, the nervous system, and your unconscious is work that needs spaciousness. This isn’t a program that’s a quick fix. We journey deep and create long-term, sustainable changes that are felt in every facet of your life and business. I’ve held entrepreneurs in 6-month individual containers and found that they usually ended up extending their work with me because they continue to deepen and expand in ways they couldn’t have imagined. So I’m honoring and activating the true depth and intention of this work by claiming this as a year-long container upfront.
The virtual retreats will be...
Totally customized to you and what is emerging through our work together. The intention of the retreats (and this entire program) is to activate the frequency of this deepest level of receiving, and this becomes mirrored in your body through being immersed in this frequency during the retreats. Though it’s a virtual retreat because I won’t be with you in person, you will be going to a location and hotel that I arrange for you. All you have to do is show up at the hotel, ready to receive.