#23: Using Human Design to Create Success with Elisa Canali
Elisa Canali is a spiritual success coach, an energetic business strategist, and a Human Design expert. She uses her expertise and intuitive gifts to help female entrepreneurs uncover and embody their unique genius so they increase their impact, take quantum leaps with ease and grace, and magnetize more prosperity.
As Elisa explains, Human Design is a system that allows you to realign yourself with the blueprint of who your soul came to the world to be. There are five main types in Human Design and their unique features give us guidance on how to best manage our energy while we work to fulfill our soul’s mission.
In today’s episode, we dive deeper into what Human Design is and how it can help you create more success in your business and entrepreneurial journey. Elisa breaks down the different Human Design types and explains how to leverage yours to attract ideal clients, and market yourself authentically and with ease.
“There’s no good or bad Human Design type. Each one of us is perfectly designed the way we’re meant to be. ”
This week on The magick weaver podcast
What is Human Design (10:32)
Using Human Design to find your unique path to success (11:59)
The role of the body in Human Design and how it affects your lifestyle (15:45)
The 5 types in Human Design, and what they say about your business (19:50)
About the Generator and Manifesting Generator types (20:25)
About the Manifestor type (24:32)
The role of your Human Design type in manifestation (26:37)
About the Projector type (30:19)
About the Reflector type (33:14)
Energy centers and what they say about your needs (37:35)
Selling strategies for your Human Design type (40:50)
Regaining control over entrepreneurial ups and downs (47:42)
Connect with Elisa
Resources mentioned in this episode
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