#60: How To Invest in Resonance with Your Nervous System

Investing in your business is a scary task for many. That is why in today’s episode, we’re going to discuss the importance of investing in your business in resonance with your nervous system. First, we start by discussing how to invest in resonance with your nervous system. Then, we dive into what it truly means to receive support in your business. We also discuss identifying the feelings of desire and excitement in your body, and how often times excitement and fear can be indistinguishable from one another. 


When it comes to tackling the fear of investing, it’s all about stepping into your investment from a place of desire and not need. And this episode will walk you through how to do that. Tune in as we discuss the impacts of investing, both in the short-term and long, how to make resonant decisions and actions by being regulated with money, and why the sweet spot is being able to remain in your capacity while opening yourself up to endless possibilities.


We Dive Into:

  • What does it mean to receive support in your business?

  • What does desire and excitement feel like in your body?

  • Stepping into an investment from a place of desire and not need

  • How making investments from a short-term perspective can impact how we show up in business

  • Making resonant decisions and actions when you’re regulated with money

  • Remaining in your capacity but opening yourself up to endless possibilities and growth

  • Hello beautiful beings of light. And welcome back to the podcast. I'm really looking forward to diving into today's topic, because it's one of the things that I get the most questions about in my DMs. And the topic we are going to be talking about today is how to invest in your business in resonance with your nervous system. My hope is that you can use this podcast episode as a resource that will support you to attune to what feels truly resonant, as you look at how your business wants to expand and how you desire to be supported inside of that expansion. So first and foremost, what I really want to anchor in is that I consider investment in your business to be extremely important. It's not only from the perspective of, you know, welcoming in so much more ease as you grow your business. But it's also from the perspective of simply receiving support, right and being held inside of your business expansion.

    One of the things that I noticed so much about women in particular, especially high achieving ambitious women, is that we are really used to figuring things out by ourselves being hyper independent, and getting it all done, right. And that can be a really beautiful thing, right? We're resourceful. And at the end of the day, you can absolutely figure things out, you can absolutely, you know, grow your business. Without investing a ton, you can grow your business in so many different ways, right. And one of the things that support really does within your nervous system is it opens you up to a whole other kind of receiving in your business and in your life. It took me such a long time to fully receive support in my business. And I'm not even talking about investment, I always invested in my business from day one, I really wanted to shorten my learning curve, I really wanted to invite more ease into the process.

    And so I invested from day one of stepping into my business. However, what took me some time to learn and deepen into within myself was what it really meant to receive support in my business. And that had a lot to do with me stepping in, and really allowing myself to be held by my mentors, to ask all of the questions. And to not feel like I actually had to be super independent, even within a container that I was paying for. And so that is always an edge that I see within ambitious women is an invitation to actually soften into more and more support, higher and higher levels of support. And so investing in your business is a form of saying, I desire to receive differently in my life and my business, I desire to be really lusciously supported, as I receive more money as I grow inside of myself and within my life. And that in and of itself is medicine that our nervous system is really yearning for. And once it receives it, once you allow it in, it supports the nervous system to expand in ways that you might not even be able to imagine this moment in time. So it's just one of the reasons that I consider investment and business to be such an important part of the journey.

    One of the reasons why I get so many questions about investing in business, I'm specifically in attunement with the nervous system is because I see people on two different extremes of the spectrum. There's one side of the spectrum where, you know, some folks are so scared of investing, I feel such scarcity with money, that they kind of tend to stay in this safety zone within their system, where you know, they're kind of repeating the same patterns over and over again, remaining in the same space of you know, it's not safe for me to be supported. It's not safe for me to spend money on myself and my business and that you know, extreme fear of investment and stepping outside You know, what has felt comfortable for them, actually really impacts their capacity to grow in ways that feel really good to them. And then on the other side of that spectrum are folks who invest so much, that perhaps they've experienced a moment or a period in their business where they invested so much that they blew out their nervous system. And that that really caused a huge rift with money, and also potentially ended up really burning down their whole business, because of the amount of investment in other words, they invested way outside of their comfort, outside of their zone of tolerance, right. And that actually burned their nervous system out and as a result, burned their business out. And so, you know, I see folks on both sides of that spectrum.

    Really, what we want to do is find ourselves in the sweet middle ground, and the sweet middle ground, is finding your appropriate edge of investment. Right. And really, when I talk about that, it's the edge of your comfort zone, it's not outside of your comfort zone, it's the edge of your comfort zone. And that's what it means to invest in resonance with your nervous system, we want to find the edge of your comfort zone, because the edge of your comfort zone is actually where you experience growth and expansion. So there's some level of discomfort, but you were still at the same time rooted into your power. And what I call safe enoughness. Right? It's not that there's no fear, it's just that you feel safe enough for your nervous system to mobilize and take action in resonance with your desires that will then support you to expand in your business, right. If you can't take action in your business, then your business doesn't make the movement that you desire to see. Right. Now, sometimes we're advised to invest outside of our comfort zone. And the way that I think about that is, you know, it's outside of our window of tolerance.

    Everyone has a different window of tolerance. And so therefore, everyone has a different edge of the comfort zone, right. We also all have different risk tolerance. And we also all have different debt tolerance. So all of that is going to really impact how you invest in your business, and how you approach investment, whether you know, you stock on more debt, or whether you invest from the money that you already have. And what feels in resonance for you is just going to be so dependent on a lot of different factors, right has to do with past experiences. With your ancestral lineage, it has to do with your money stories, that there's so many things that are etched into your nervous system. So really finding your appropriate edge in the nervous system is where you want to hang out with investments.

    One of the things that you know, I want to encourage is that in order for you to find the edge, the appropriate edge in your own nervous system, you have to learn the language of your body. This doesn't have to take a lot of time. But it does take discernment, right, because your body communicates from lots of different timelines. Your body communicates from the past communicates in the present. And it communicates from the future, right. And so that is what is so brilliant about the body is that you can both heal some of those past experiences through the body, to allow yourself to be in the present. And you can tap into possible future timelines that allows you to create from your body. And so it's such a powerful space inside of you, that can show you everything you need in order to make really aligned decisions, whether it's about investment in your business, or anything else. So what I want to invite you into for a moment is for you to tune into the language of your own body.

    And I want you to think about a moment where you felt a ton of fear and doubt whether it's about investment or something else in your life. And I want you to just take a moment you can even pause this podcast to tune in and really notice? How does fear, doubt, and constriction feel like in my body? And you might even take a moment to ask your body? Can you show me? How fear feels like in my body? Can you show me what doubt feels like in my body? Can you show me what scarcity feels like in my body? And tune into your own body's signals? Where does it show up? What's the texture of the sensation? Is there a weight to the sensation? What's the quality of that sensation in your body? And let yourself get to know that sensation a little bit and write it down? Right? How does my nervous system communicate fear? How does my body communicate doubt, right? And worry and anxiety? Where does all of that show up in my body?

    And then once you get a sense of that, I want you to take a moment to tune to a moment where something felt so right, so in resonance, where you felt connected to your desire, and joy, and excitement. And even asked the body, what does desire feel like in my body? What does excitement feel like in my body? What does something lighting me all the way up feel like in my body. And let yourself notice the sensations that arise with that, let yourself notice where it shows up in your body. And that can be your anchor point for expansion for how something feels when it's expanding you. Right.

    So when you look at, where is my appropriate edge, for investment, or for decision making, in my business in general, what you want to be experiencing within your body is this really sweet, harmonious mix of I'm tapping into my desire and my expansive feelings in my body. And I'm also feeling fear and doubt at the same time. Right? You're feeling both sensations. Now, we definitely want to be more rooted into the excitement and the desire versus, you know, the fear, the worry, the anxiety, meaning, you know, you're really able to connect, in sensation with the expansion that you feel as you also feel that fear. But the fear is it taking over your entire experience, right. And that, in sensation terms, is what the edge feels like in your nervous system, it's the edge of your comfort zone.

    Whenever I've made investments, I have done it from the space of my edge. In fact, I pretty much make any life decision from this edge in my nervous system. Because I know that that edge expands me in the direction of what I desire. In other words, there's my future self who's communicating and my body telling me, this is the next step that's going to help to unlock something inside of you that's already there. But it's going to support you in unlocking this wisdom in your body that's already there that's going to support you to walk in resonance with what you desire to receive. And the fear is simply appropriately telling me, hey, this is something new that you're doing, right? This is scary, because we've never done it before. We've never experienced it before. And so naturally, the fear is going to want to keep you in your zone of safety and what you've always done just because it knows how to be there, right? And fear, does that mean that something is not in resonance with you? Fear is simply just trying to keep you somewhere where it knows how to do what it's been doing for a long time. And so if I feel that expansion, and I also feel that fear, that is when I leap on my edges.

    And when I've done that from a space of desire inside of myself, my investment fans have always supported me in the exact ways that they needed to, in order to open up my next receiving portal. Right. Now, I want to talk about, what does it feel like when you are outside of your comfort zone, or outside of your window of tolerance. Obviously, it's going to feel so different for each and every person. But I'm going to talk about it in two different ways. One, you might feel a sliver of expansion with something. But the overwhelming experience in your body is one of fear. Right, it feels like the fear is taking over. Now, fear and excitement can actually sometimes in sensation feel similar to one another. And so you discerning the difference between fear and excitement can be a nuanced process. And I want to invite you into that consideration. Does my excitement sometimes feel like fear, because when you're excited, some fear is naturally intermingling inside of that space.

    But it's only when there's kind of like this, this fear that's overtaking your body, where the presence of fear is more overwhelmingly present inside of you, versus the excitement and the expansion, where perhaps that investment is not right for you, in this particular moment in time. I've had experiences where I knew an investment was really in resonance and really aligned. And at the same time, what I experienced in my body was a percentage of fear, that wasn't actually going to support me to mobilize really well inside of my business and take action. So the fear was overtaking my experience. And even though I knew the investment was in alignment, I just knew that the timing wasn't right, that I needed to wait a little bit longer. And with that particular investment, it had more to do with the amount that I would be investing every single month. And I knew that that container was right for me, I knew that the coach was right, for me, everything was expanding in that space. But at the time, the investment level just wasn't something that my nervous system had capacity for. Right. And so that's how I knew, Okay, this investment is for me, just not right in this moment. And so I waited, and I invested six months later, right when my nervous system was there. And so if you're feeling more fear, than that can be an indication that you're outside of your comfort zone.

    Now, when you're way outside of your zone of tolerance, like way outside of your comfort zone, what might be happening in your body is some sort of disconnect, numbness, or a freeze response. And really, that means like you're not tapping into any sensation in your body, or very little sensation in your body, you can't really feel much in your body. And that can be happening for lots of different reasons, right? If you're someone who typically doesn't connect with the body that can be part of that. But if you're someone who's typically connected to the body, if you kind of feel really disconnected, when you tune into the investment, you're feeling numb, right, like freeze. Freeze means we are immobilized. We don't feel safe to move. And that is definitely not the experience that we want to be having in our body when we step into an investment. Because when we invest in something in our business, or in any other space, we want to be able to mobilize we want to be able to use that investment. And so if there's any type of freeze response, that is an instance where I would advise someone to not invest. And I've actually done that with folks, when I've chatted with them about my containers. I do not want people to invest if they're outside of their zone of tolerance, because that means that they aren't connected to their power, right? They're not connected to self when they're investing.

    And I want someone to step into my containers from a place of desire and connection to power, because it means that they're going to be able to mobilize within the space and create the change that they really want to create. And so I really empower folks to attune to their appropriate edge and invest from that space and also invest from a place of desire, not need. And that is really important. I think oftentimes we can expect investments to fix something, whether it's fix us or fix the problems, quote, unquote, that we're having in our business. And the truth is, is any investment is simply a piece of the cake, it's a piece of the puzzle that supports you to unlock something that's already inside of you. Right? It's not giving you anything that you don't already have. It's simply illuminating and helping you to deepen within yourself to, you know, create the pathway in your own nervous system, to mobilize towards your desires, right.

    So, stepping into a space from a place of desire, like I really desire to be supported this way, I really desire this program I desire, this investment for myself, is going to help you to tap into your power and your mobilization, more so than like, I need this, I need this to fix me to fix my problem in business, right? You don't need anything, things are already within you. Allow yourself to be supported in really luscious ways. Allow yourself to feel the desire that you have for a program for something right, and enter into the program from that energy. And you will receive from that investment in the exact ways that you're meant to. So I always think that that's an important thing to mention. Because one of the things that I experienced very early on in my business, as I was investing a ton, but I was investing from need versus desire. I felt like this one program was going to solve this problem that I had, right. And if I just invested in it, it was going to create the expansion that I wanted to see, versus tapping into it from a place of desire. And once I really invested from desire from I don't need this program, but I really desire this program, how I received in my business completely transformed. So it's something to really think about, am I investing in this from pain or from desire?

    One of the things that I think is also important to tune into when you're investing is to think about return on investment, from the space of long term return on investment, versus short term return on investment. Now, I want to talk about the difference. There are times where you see people investing in programs, and it kind of relates to the need versus desire, right? There are times where I see people investing in programs, and they want to see an immediate ROI. In other words, like if I invest 5k, in this business in this, you know program, I want to see at least 5k Return to me within the first one to two months of the program. And what can happen when you have that kind of expectation on both yourself and the investment is that the pressure of that expectation can really shape your experience, and you tapping into your own power in the space and actually what's truly resonant for you on your own journey.

    So when we think about investment in business, we always want to think about it from a long term perspective. Because your business is a long term game, right? There's no short term in your business, everything that you do inside of it, is you sowing seeds, you tending to the soil watering it watering the plants over a prolonged period of time, then that then yields the results that you desire to see. Right. And when we make investments from the short term energy, when we put pressure on our investments from the short term space, it really can impact how you show up in your business, how you show up inside of that container, and how you show up within yourself. And so with every single investment that I've made, it's been about you know, tending to the long term vision of what I am creating and tending to my becoming from a long term perspective. And from that energy, you will receive the results that you want from the programs that you invest in. Not every single program is going to be a positive experience.

    But regardless of whether the program feels, you know, productive or unproductive to, you are going to be able to take something from it, that is going to yield long term impacts in your business and shape, the journey of your business in the most embodied way possible, right. And so that is a way that you can always feel empowered about your investments. And that you can always leave your investments with something versus feeling like you've lost something, right? Whether it's money, whether it's time, whether it's energy, whatever it is, right? To me, investments are never a loss, they're always a gain, whether I'm learning something that I don't want to do, again, whether I'm learning something about leadership, you know, as a business owner, as a mentor, or whether I'm receiving one of the biggest transformations that I ever could have imagined through what that investment was able to open up inside of me, right.

    The other piece that I want to anchor in is that I think that there's a difference in investing for beginners, right, people who are just beginning to grow their business, and investing when you're a more established business. This is, you know, definitely based off of my own personal experience with investing, but what I consider to be a really expansive investing approach, when you first start your business. When you first start your business, what I expect in you what I expected when I stepped into the space, is that I was going to be investing more than I was going to be earning most likely, right? That part of me stepping into something new that I'd never done before. And me investing in myself was really about shortening the learning curve, and putting money into a long term approach to growing my business. And it kind of goes back to that short term versus long term ROI. At the beginning of the my business, I was spending more money than I was making. And that actually felt really appropriate to me. I also have pretty expansive debt tolerance in my system.

    So one of the things that I did inside of my business is I took on debt, in order to really create long term success, where I felt supported, and where I was taking the shortest route, I knew how through those investments to create the success that I desired for myself. Now, when you are a more established business business, right, you are going to be operating from a different baseline inside of your system. Meaning you're looking at the money that you're receiving, and you're looking at the long term vision of your business from a sustainability perspective. When you have very little money coming into your business, it's gonna look different than when you have money flowing into your business. And then how you choose to invest that money, because you most likely have a team have, you know, different investments going at the same time. And so how you want to calibrate to those investments is going to be different than the beginning approaches to investment.

    So I'm a big believer in investing early, in order to support your nervous system capacity to build for, you know, really the knowledge, the skills, the leadership that you need in order to grow long term success, versus when you are already more established in business. You're looking at the whole ecosystem that exists in your business, and making resonant decisions from your body from the money that you are already receiving. And then taking into account the risk tolerance, right, the leaps that you want to take that maybe involves borrowing money, right, and there's going to be a different balance inside of your body from that perspective. So You know, for more established leaders, this is where I actually see people blowing up their nervous system sometimes because they take on so many investments, they take on so many investments that cumulatively, take them outside of their window of tolerance.

    And this is where their nervous system oftentimes collapse, or goes into gogogo mode in order to try to maintain the income that they're receiving to keep up with their investments, versus actually creating some space in their nervous system, some space inside of their profit journey, to help them feel safe enough, but to be on that really appropriate edge, right. So, you know, money, and the need for more where, you know, there's this feeling of, there's never enough because I'm kind of like treading water. Right, in terms of the investments that I've already put in in terms of what I'm already paying out to team, we want to be really intentional about how we calibrate those investments, and in what timeline, so that your nervous system doesn't get blown out. And that you're still investing on your appropriate edge, stepping on the edge of that comfort zone, but not going so outside of your window of tolerance, that your nervous system starts to shift into stress mode, or burnout mode, or even shuts down and then is not able to mobilize and take action.

    Because what happens is, then we tend to take more pressure based action versus resonant action. And when we are regulated with money, when we are regulated with investments, even when it's a stretch, there's mostly regulation present, that's when we are able to make the most resonant decisions, the most resonant actions, launch the most resonant things in our business that's really coming from our own internal space of power and desire. So it's something to consider, if you're a more established business, you know, are all my investments truly in resonance with my desires are my investments cumulatively in in deep resonance with that edge inside of my nervous system, and for established businesses, what I've seen be true, is it's really appropriate to go through seasons, where you might be investing more and stretching yourself, in order to create the expansion that you want to see. So it's not this linear line. Investments can also be this very nonlinear experience. And so when I'm investing at this point in my business where, you know, I'm scaling to a million dollars, I'm not looking to, I'm looking at, you know, my capacity for more long term investments that lasts several months or a year.

    And then I'm mixing that with more short term investments like rebrands, you know, marketing things that are short spurts of investment, where maybe I'm investing more in a period of time, that's decreasing my profits, but it's investing more in the long term growth. So once those investments cycled through, what then I can expect to see is really appropriate expansion on the other end, because of those up levels and those investments that I've made, right, so it can get more nuanced. And it's really an invitation for you to look at money, right, and to get closer to money and to understand the reactions that your body has to money. And to then allow yourself to attune to where is my body expanding? And where is my body contracting? And can I allow myself to lean into the expansion to trust in the expansion to leap in the direction of where the expansion is leading me in my body versus react from the contraction that I'm experiencing?

    So all of this to say, with everything that I've shared today, when you allow yourself to fully lean into the expansion that your body is responding to, you create truly quantum level leaps in your business and I've seen it in my own life. I've seen it in my business. I've seen it in clients lives and businesses, that when we tune into the expansion that's being felt in the body when we're making the decision for our investments, the decision for anything in our business from that space of expansion in the already, you're tapping into something deeply unconscious. A timeline of receiving, that your conscious mind doesn't even know is possible for you, right might not even identify with the possibility of that timeline. But your body knows that there's something there that's leading you, that's unfurling you into your deepest desires.

    And whenever you lean into that appropriate edge, whenever you lean into that expansion in the body, that's when magic begins to unfold. Right, that's when quantum timelines open. And my incredible growth and business has been all about understanding this really appropriate edge in my nervous system, whether it's had to do with investments or other decisions that I've made. And when I lean into that, when I leap in resonance with that expansion in my nervous system, and I walk with my fear, I feel my fear, and I choose my expansion anyway, something truly amazing begins to open that my mind could have never predicted. It's literally how I've led my life. And it's how I've led my business. And what it's done for me is that it's supported me to remain within my capacity, but opening into the kinds of growth that rationally you wouldn't think would be possible. And that's really the sweet spot is when we are within our capacity. And we are tapping into the endless possibilities that rests within us. Right, this is truly the meaning of honoring our humanity.

    As we lean into and trust our divinity at the same time, expansion in your business is never about ignoring the human inside of you. And it's never about just only taking these quantum leaps without connection to the body without connection to the human. It's about walking with both, right, and when we're in our capacity as humans. And when we are leaning into entrusting the expansion than the divine within us at the same time, that is when magic unfolds from a place of ease, pleasure and peace. Right? So I really want to invite you into that exploration within you. And one of the things that I want to note is that calibrating yourself in this way, making decisions in this way about your investments is something that like anything else takes time and attunement, right? It is an experiment. Knowing that regardless of what happens, regardless of how you invest, you are going to be okay. It's going to be part of your path, you're going to learn from it. And each decision is going to help you to attune to your appropriate edge even more.

    The only way that I learned my edge, like truly learned by edge and what that felt like was not only through, you know, tapping into the language of my body, but experimenting, trying different things, right? Sometimes not getting the results that I wanted and understanding okay, this was maybe outside of my comfort zone. And next time I know what my actual edge feels like, right? Next time I know what my actual desire feels like next time, I know what it means to invest from desire versus need.

    So this is a constant calibration, there is no perfect line from A to B. And so I want to just leave you with no matter what investments you choose or don't choose, you're going to be okay. And letting yourself deepen an understanding of the language of your body through both attunement and taking action is really the sweet spot that will allow you to inhabit that edge in a very embodied way for you. I hope that this episode was supportive in helping you to tune into what you're appropriate edges. And to also note that your edge is a constantly evolving thing as you grow and expand in your business. Your edge is going to move your edge is going to expand. So when you once paid $1,000 per month for something you will Feel ignited, you will feel in your power about paying $10,000 For something per month, right? This is something that moves and evolves as you grow as a leader as you grow your business. And so each level of your leadership, each level of your business is going to ask you to tune to what this edge is. And letting yourself live on that edge. Letting yourself lead on that edge is going to allow you to remain connected to your power and also create the kind of growth that you desire to see.

    So I hope you've enjoyed this. I hope it was supportive. And I want to invite you to leave us a review on iTunes if you have received something from this podcast so that others can find us and tune into the resources in this space. I hope you have a beautiful rest of your week, and I will see you next time.

Body Codex Waitlist

If this podcast episode resonated for you, then you are going to love The Body Codex, a somatic business incubator that supports you to grow and scale with Nervous System Business Growth™. We are in early bird enrollment for this program, and it starts in January 2023. You can click here to access the waitlist: www.anakinkela.com/body-codex-waitlist

Join Nectar

If this podcast episode resonated for you, then you are going to love my signature program Nectar. We are currently actively enrolling for our January 2023 cohort. Nectar is my offering for entrepreneurs at any level (including multi-6 and 7-figure entrepreneurs) who wish to heal the receiving wound and expand their receiving paradigm to receive money from a place of ease and pleasure. Nectar is a beautiful 5-month healing portal with group healing and integration calls to integrate your healing with money into your business. This program interweaves somatic work, womb expansion, shadow work, quantum medicine, and energetic alchemy to shift how you receive in your business and life. Spots go fast for this program, so if you’re feeling the pull, I encourage you to register and step into the program now!


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