What clients are experiencing through this work…
Inside Nectar you will receive...
…2 monthly nervous system healing and expansion sessions in a group environment where you will experience somatic based work in the quantum realm & receive 1:1 support
…1 monthly integration call to receive support and coaching around money, business, energetics, and support grounding in this expansion into your life and business
…5 modules of education, embodiment meditations, and journaling prompts to provide a sacred structure that facilitates and supports the deeper healing and expansion experience from the live sessions
…As well as access to an intimate digital community space for support between calls & during integration weeks
Meet your guides...
— Rachael Bradbury —
Rachael is a clarity guide and boundary queen supporting passionate creatives and entrepreneurs in healing from hustle and burnout.
She has a wealth of experience from helping high-achieving entrepreneurs in a multitude of ways over the past 4 years, and has an incredible ability to guide them in gaining clarity on their path in order to expand. And has worked closely with Ana for the past two years, focusing her own life and business on healing and working with the nervous system.
As a Reflector by Human Design, Rachael is able to see the whole picture and bring attention to and facilitate healing that is needed in order to ground, experience ease, and stand firmly in your power, purpose, and innate worth.
— Liz Riley Christiano —
Liz is a nervous system whisperer for brilliant minds and creative hearts. She supports her clients to bring sacred alignment to their physical, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies.
Liz is the mother of two beautiful children who teach her daily what our animal bodies truly desire. With a background in intimacy transformation as a certified VITA coach, as well as studies in Somatic Experiencing and Therapeutic Breathwork, Liz guides clients to release stress and holding patterns and unleash their free-flowing intuition and life force energy.
You can learn more about her work at www.lizrileychristiano.com
— Ana Kinkela —
Ana is a somatic business mentor and energetic alchemist for high achieving entrepreneurs, coaches, healers and creatives. She supports leaders to heal the receiving wound and expand with the power of Nervous System Business Growth™.
Ana has over 14 years of experience facilitating transformational healing and expansion containers since starting her career in the mental health field and dedicating herself to helping others heal from trauma.
For the past 4 years, she’s been supporting women on the journey of receiving more deeply and fully through activating nervous system resonance in alignment with their vision, desires, and the legacy that they are here to create.
— Daje James —
Daje James is a storyteller, regenerative business strategist, flower essence practitioner, and space-holder for wild-hearted leaders and creative entrepreneurs.
Through her work, she embraces the privilege of supporting creatives in owning their voices and waging beauty with their unique medicine.
You can learn more about her upcoming programs and workshops through her mystery school of the creative process, Brave School: An Institute of Dreaming.
You can learn more about her at @thestorydoula on Instagram
or www.thestorydoula.co